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Clarity is power.
In all communications, clarity is your most potent tool. And it’s my strength as a copywriter. Are you looking for powerfully clear content, marketing copy, or business material? You just found it.
Cut through the noise
Clarity is hard to come by. As Nathaniel Hawthorne put it, “Easy reading is damn hard writing.” After 30+ years of practice, I have the skill and tenacity to deliver a rare clarity that cuts through the noise to capture your audience.
The average US adult reads at the 7th-grade level. Regardless, research shows that plain, concise copy appeals to everyone. >
All that grammar stuff matters: errors destroy trust and sales. Your copy can promote both, thanks to the decade of editing on my CV. >
A former journalist, I can find the heart of your story. And bring it alive with the right words, voice, and tone, from headline to footer. >
It’s harder to grasp content on a phone, and half of all web traffic is mobile. I’ve spent 2,000+ hours writing specifically for mobile. >
“What strikes me most each time we turn to Laura for help is her ability to quickly grasp complex material and then simplify it in elegant prose so that anyone can understand it. All without losing any of the richness of the topic.”
— Laurie Breitner, Breitner and Associates